New Study Results on Embodied Carbon in Materials

New Study Results on Embodied Carbon in Materials
During the 2020 Net Zero Leadership Summit last year, Chris Magwood, Executive Director at The Endeavour Centre & Builders for Climate Action, provided a very informative presentation on the work he has been doing on the impact of embodied carbon in materials. His presentation was so well received that we invited him back to provide an update on his work during the 2021 Summit, specifically the results of a new study that he completed for NRCan this year. Chris was unable to make the Summit, but he's delivering the information during this special online session.
Join us to learn about the main takeaways from this study, including what the material carbon emissions “range” is, how the material carbon emissions could be brought to zero or even be negative (net carbon storing) using conventional, code-compliant materials, and how reducing material emissions by one "tier" has a much larger impact on overall emissions than increasing energy efficiency by one tier in the NBC. This will be a 45 minute session followed by a 15 minute Q&A period.
Additional Info
SLIDE DECK : 2022-01-19-New-Study-Results-on-Embodied-Carbon-in-Materials-Deck.pdf
EmbedSrc : https://youtu.be/guLoUW33RaE